Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Aquatica AD600 Underwater Housing

The Aquatica AD600 is a new underwater apartment for the Nikon D600 digial SLR camera. Along with the adequate ergonomics usually associated with Aquatica housings, the AD600 aswell incorporates a amount of refinements. A part of them, it offers admission absolute to the Fn button. This is done via an simple to ability and different architecture advance button that is calmly amid on the rear of the housing. The apartment aswell appearance an centralized beam up/flash down capability, a quick admission ISO batten that is deride actuated and a absolute of three admission holes are provided to acquire assorted accessories. Abyss rated to 90m, the Aquatica AD600 underwater apartment can be castigation for $3,199.

Aquatica Press Release

Upcoming Aquatica AD600 apartment for the Nikon D600 camera

The Aquatica Aggregation is appreciative to acquaint you to the Aquatica AD600 apartment for the new bank mark in agenda photography, the Nikon D600.

Aquatica has advised the ultimate apartment for the new Nikon D600 camera. Along with the adequate ergonomics usually associated with our housings, the AD600 aswell incorporates a aggregation of refinements. A part of them, it offers admission absolute to the Fn button. This is done via an simple to ability and different architecture advance button that is calmly amid on the rear of the housing. The abounding Custom Functions roles that can be attributed to this Fn button abiding fabricated it aces of absorption of our architecture team.

Here is a quick annular up of the featured roles this Fn buttons can be attributed:

- Angel breadth (FX to DX and carnality versa)

- Convert to abyss of acreage Preview

- FV Lock (lock the beam value)

- AE/AF Lock

- AE Lock only

- AE Lock (Reset on release)

- AE Lock (Hold)

- AF Lock only


- Beam Off

- Bracketing burst

- Active Lighting

- Metering pattern

- Framing Grid

- Personalized Menu

- Playback

- 1 Step Speed/aperture shift

The apartment appearance an centralized beam up/flash down capability, a quick admission ISO batten that is deride actuated and a absolute of three admission holes are provided to acquire assorted accessories such as our limited activate (# 19306), Hydrophone and/or alien monitors.

Aquatica has the a lot of absolute alternative of calmly changeable strobe connectors in the industry. The 20072-NK has two of the archetypal 5 pins Nikonos connectors and the 20072-KT is supplied with a time accurate 5 pins Ikelite adapter Both adaptation are attainable to acquire currently attainable TTL converter, S-TTL is aswell attainable with the 20072-OPT through optical connectivity with either of the supplied Sea & Sea and Inon blazon adapters. Lastly the 20072-HYB offers both a archetypal Nikonos and an optical adapter giving the apartment the ultimate best in strobes selection. Bulkheads are now dispensable in the acreage after the charge for specialized tools.

This attention apartment is the artefact of a time accurate birth of underwater camera housing. Over 30 years of ability in this acreage has fabricated abiding that every aspect of the housing’s ergonomics was advised and admission to its controls anxiously implemented. This apartment is a account to the connected change of our ability and of the admission of the abounding professional’s angel makers from about the apple who plan and argue with us.

The Aquatica AD600, like all of our housings, allowances from the finest actual attainable in the metallurgic industry. It is anxiously crafted from a called admixture of aircraft brand aluminum and graced with the finest brand of stainless animate for its assorted controls. Every Aquatica apartment is machined on the latest 5 arbor computer assisted machines. It again undergoes a careful anodizing activity to the acrimonious North American Military Specifications. For added protection, a broiled on crumb blanket acrylic is applied, this blanket is as boxy as attach tough. Furthermore, bane inhibiting, zinc anodes are supplied as accepted equipment. This added akin of aegis does accomplish a huge aberration as can be credible on some Aquatica housings that even with over 1,500 dives on them, still attending as beginning as the day they came out of the box. This apartment is fabricated for the harder alive able in mind, one who absolutely understands believability in the field.

The AD600 apartment appearance a anew advised camera tray; it calmly and absolutely positions the camera in the apartment and is calmly able by a simple advance on a tab, it incorporates a bond for transmitting automated ascribe of the Fn button from the rear to the front. The zoom actuating adhere accessory and the lens absolution batten cull out to acquiesce the user to abolish the camera from the aback while befitting a lens and zoom accessory attached.

All video controls are advised for simple ability and bland operation. Whether it is for video or for still images the austere ancillary of this apartment operation is credible from the get go.

The AF-L/AE-L button admission is provided with a batten appropriate beneath the users thumb. Menus buttons are angled to accommodate bigger admission for your larboard hand. The AD600 aswell uses the new 4xxxx bearing lens apparatus arrangement with a abate apartment adhere accessory and a beyond lens gear, the after-effects is a smoother activity while zooming in a video sequence.

The AD600 housing’s animation should not be misinterpreted as a weakness. This apartment retains the aforementioned accepted 90m/300ft abyss appraisement as all our added housings and can still be upgraded to 130m/425ft abyss rating. Its bent knobs and colossal controls beggarly simple operation no amount what the bearings is. Anyone accustomed with our altitude knows that getting congenital in Canada aswell agency that all housings from Aquatica are built-in and bred in one of the apple a lot of asperous diving environment. Bottom line, if it works in our bounded conditions, it will plan everywhere else!

The AD600 absorb our accepted molded grips; these acquire been the advertence in abundance for the endure 25 years. They are lightweight, sturdy, are fabricated of one section and cannot appear unglued, abatement afar or corrode. Both grips acquire ascent holes attainable to acquire accepted ascent bracket of our TLC arrangement and for the a lot of accepted strobes and lighting accoutrements out on the market. An added ascent point for a focus/video ablaze or added accessories is on top of the apartment and three added ascent credibility are provided beneath the apartment for assorted brackets, abutment or tripods.

Seen on the appropriate is a appearance of the business ancillary of the new Aquatica AD600, acutely assuming the austere attributes of this housing. On the larboard hand, the buttons and approach selector ascendancy are angled and positioned for quicker admission to the assorted functions. On the appropriate duke the almanac batten has been relocated afterpiece to your index. The Live Appearance toggle charcoal aural simple reach. The multi ambassador pad begin on the Nikon D600 is fabricated attainable with a simple and accurate architecture and its SET button has been oversized. All advance buttons are of top superior Blazon 304 stainless steel, the aforementioned acclimated in the aerospace industry; these will not breach or rust. Their bland operation and position gives the columnist a actual automatic and accustomed feel to the housing.

Aquatica housings are supplied with our own aberrant Galileo blazon eye piece. This top superior and coated optical finder gives a ablaze and abounding appearance of the appearance finder. For those gluttonous the ultimate in examination for still image, the alternative Aqua Appearance Finder, attainable in beeline 180 and 45 degrees version, are a part of the best of the industry. They can calmly be installed in a amount of a few account by the user. The continued and added angel of the Aqua Appearance Finders are additional to none in clarity; they provides the columnist with tack aciculate bend to bend examination of the camera appearance finder for basic and analytical focusing.

The D600 is accurate by one of the a lot of accustomed and absolute anchorage and accessories arrangement of the industry. This anchorage arrangement has been a abiding belvedere for over 20 years and charcoal one of the a lot of reliable and acclimated designs on the market.

This aesthetics that fabricated Aquatica apartment so accepted over the years absolutely has not been absent on this newer version! Every accomplishment was fabricated to accord you an underwater imaging arrangement that can be tailored to your needs. The AD600 is asperous and reliable housing, one that will acclimate to your needs and will endure for the longest time with a minimum of care.

 NEOPine supplies many news about brand cameras every day. People who are interested in camera accessories such as camera leather case, camera cleaning kits, camera waterproof housing, camera shoulder strap, etc. Any inquiry or interest about its photography equipment please visit its official site: http://www.hkneo.com

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