Thursday, October 31, 2013

Quickly share fashion handy Sony NEX-5T camera evaluation

Sony's conference this year , the official launch of 5T special emphasis is intended to draw more young users. In the last generation 5R body reaches a very high level of performance after point , 5T wireless networks to enhance a picture -sharing feature , especially increasing particularly stylish NFC functionality. It can be said 5T is an enhanced version of 5R , 5R retains the characteristics of a multi-part feature , the picture quality remains the same in the case , allowing users to share the picture to get a new upgrade , this is the real intention 5T .

NEX-5T and 5R parameters in the main body almost unanimously , 5T only change is the addition of NFC near field communication , people can not help but sigh NEX-5T of this upgrade intensity is not large , so the ability to attract new revision micro single user group yet. Please follow the author to Secret about NEX-5T veil.

5R front of the camera with no difference. 5R continuation of the classic designs , the author believes Sony Micro single series appearance is compact body, but the grip feel good. Its large handle is the biggest bright spot. One hand can be very firm grasp machines photographed.

Left of the camera position for the data interface , 5T also set HDMI output and USB transfer two ports . Is enough for most users to use. Its body of WIFI symbol indicates that it can transfer photos via wireless .

On the right is the camera handle portion , at first glance and nothing changes . Be careful of the friends will find NEX-5T appeared on the handle of an N logo. 5T and 5R which is the biggest difference in the appearance of the place for them. N represents the NFC (Near Field Communication ) mean. That 5T popular support NFC communication.

Top of the camera is also consistent with the 5R . Set the basic camera keys, such as the shutter , power switch, playback , fast function button and the main dial and so on.

NEX-5T have to adjust the main menu and shortcut menu , press the right side of the back panel of the MEMU building can enter the main menu , the main menu is divided into several parts allows users to set up for different needs . Click on top of the fuselage while shooting the Fn key to enter the quick adjustment menu , are some of the commonly used options shortcut button. Allowing users to access the main menu when shooting without wasting time searching for it.

NEX-5T and 5R menu also makes no difference . Sony uses a combination of graphics , each select a shooting mode or adjust the corresponding option will appear when the text explanation. This is also very suitable for novices to use , it is the equivalent of a simple manual .

Although the vast majority of NEX-5T and 5R menu is basically the same , but I still found a few sharp-eyed differences:

The first is to add an NFC menu options , followed by the setting in the wireless networks appear in flight mode option , indicating that you can always turn off 5T WIFI signal transmission .

The author of the NEX-5T 's ability to control noise ISO expressed satisfaction with the ISO100-400 in the lower part , the focus highlight noise generated almost invisible in the dark on the background noise occur only rarely . In ISO800-3200 phase, noise gradually increased, when the noise began to clear 1600 . When the ISO to 3200 or more, the picture detail begins suffered serious losses. ISO25600 is available is not high. I believe that the available ISO 5T in 1600 , more if you do not mind the noise is also an ideal 3200 ISO available values.

The author of the 5T white balance performance is very satisfactory , especially unusual is its automatic white balance , light source in a complex environment, still no angle cast, more accurate than the automatic white balance preset number . Instead there was a certain incandescent white balance bluish case, you need to manually corrected. In most shooting situations , select Auto white balance will get very tricky color tone, can be used if you require a higher preset white balance.

NEX-5T and 5R using the same CMOS sensor, up to 16 million pixels . For a high-performance flagship portable cameras 16 million pixel output is a good balancing selection . Both to ensure good picture detail, while 16 million pixels and can get a good high ISO performance . A digression that is , 16 million pixel output in fact, for post-production is also more relaxed , often too high pixel CMOS for computer hardware is unprecedented pressure on the big

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